I just downloaded pics from our family reunion/crab feast my parents host each year on father's day weekend. I just had to post this one. No Photoshopping, I swear! be sure to check out the full version for the motion blur of the hammer! It didn't stand a chance... ;)
Jasprom BBM Bergaransi
Melanggar Bensin Murah Terpercaya Jasprom 0823 2825 5980Bahan bakar rendah
garansi jasprom bbm konsisten dikepung | Artikel penting ini kita dibuat
atas n...
Mother's Day
It has been a while since I blogged and I am not a blogger kind of
guy...obviously. :-)
I am grateful for a mother who loved me and built a lot of encoura...
Trout for Lunch
I have been trying to eat more fish lately, and so I picked up a couple
rainbow trout at the grocery store. I am always a bit nervous when I
prepare it, be...
We're Getting There
So...sleep has been going a bit better. I've begun topping off S with a few
ounces of formula after every feeding. It takes a bit of time, but I'm
finding ...
Library of Congress Book Fair
If you are local and have never been to the Library of Congress Book Fair,
you are missing out. There is something for everyone and it seems to get
A change is coming! New home at colestratton.com!
To my faithful Riverbottom Nightmare Blog readers,
Things are changing, but for the better! I've finally gone and made my own
website--colestratton.com! ...
Kidz Inc. takes a group of kids to camp every summer. We take a trip to
Lost River West Virginia to the Lost River Retreat Center. We take kids
going into ...
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